Jan 26, 2022, 7-8pm ET. Journaling Mini-Retreat: Ease in 2022

You don't have to "hit the ground running" in the new year. You can go slow. You can move one thing at a time. You can be still. You can be. In this one-hour journaling mini-retreat, we'll process our feelings coming into the new year and then explore how we can have more ease in our lives. What does easing into 2022 look like for you? What does having ease in your daily life look like for you? Join us as we journal, connect, and support each other in a safe, affirming space.

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    Jan 26, 2022 Mini-Retreat: Ease In 2022

    • Overview of Mini-Retreat

    • Jan 26 Journaling Mini-Retreat: Ease in 2022